  • 《皇冠体育调解中心推荐调解专家名册》候选人申请表

    Application Form of SCIA Panel of Recommended Mediators Candidate









    1. I am aware of the Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration Ordinance and Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration Mediation Center Mediation Rules, I am willing to comply with relevant regulations and submit my applications to the SCIA Panel of Recommended Mediators voluntarily.

    2. I hereby confirm that all information submitted is true and accurate, and that it does not violate the regulations of my current employer. I will actively cooperate with the information verification required by SCIA.

    3. I have never had a criminal record or have been punished for serious misconduct.

    4. I agree that SCIA will reasonably use the relevant information filled in the form for the needs of mediation work. Information including name, expertise, residence, current employer, education background, working background, etc., can be inquired by the parties through the official website of SCIA.

    5. I fully understand and respect the decision made by the SCIA whether to include me on the SCIA Panel of Recommended Mediators.

    6. I promise to always perform the duties of independence, impartiality, diligence if I am engaged as an mediator for mediation cases at the Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration Mediation Center.

    提交 重制






    1. All items are required unless otherwise indicated.

    2. Please provide relevant statements or supporting materials when submitting this form.

    3. SCIA will not reply specifically to applicants who are rejected for inclusion on the SCIA Panel of Recommended Mediators.


    业务专长/Expertise(请选其中6项 Please select 6 items)

    【皇冠体育下载app】Real Estate Law, Real Estate Development, Commodity House Sale&Purchase, Urban Renewal, Property Management, Housing Rental

    【Construction &Engineering】Construction &Engineering Law, Infrastructure Construction, Engineering Survey, Engineering Design, Engineering Construction, Engineering Supervision,PPP, Bidding Law, Project Finance

    【皇冠体育】Corporate Law, Equity Dispute,Equity Incentives, Corporate bonds,Mergers and Acquisitions, Corporate compliance,Financial and Accounting, Foreign investment,Negotiable Instruments Law, Bankruptcy Law

    【皇冠体育】Financial Law, Banking Law, Securities, Fund, Futures, Insurance, Trust, Derivatives, Asset Management, Non-performing Assets Disposal, FinancialLeasing, Commercial Factoring, PE, VC, Internet Finance

    【皇冠体育】Intellectual Property Law,Trademark, Patent, 皇冠体育, Technology Contract, Information Technology & Network, Electronic Data,Domain Name, Franchising,Infringement

    【International Trade&Maritime】International Trade Law, WTO Law, Maritime Law, Marine Insurance Law, Marine Shipping, International Aviation Law, Aircraft FinancialLeasing, Supply Chain, Customs law

    【Energy& Environment】Energy law, Environmental Protection Law, Peak Carbon Dioxide Emissions& Carbon Neutrality, Environmental Compliance, Electricity Law, Resource Exploration, Mining Investment and Financing

    【Sports& Culture】Sports Law, Entertainment Law, Media, Film and Television Investment, Video Game, Electronic Sports, Auction Law, Conference and Exhibition, Hotel Management, Education and Training

    【皇冠体育】Antitrust law, Competition law, Labor Law, Tax law, Criminal Law, Medical law, Contract Law, Property Law, Product Quality Law, International Private Law, International Investment Arbitration, Arbitration Law, Commercial Mediation